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  • Simon Maurissen

Why do I capture Nature in image?

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

My first passion is nature. It always has been since I was a kid.

I started photography at the age of 17, when I received my first dslr. My first models were the roe deers in the forest down my house. Rapidly, I pushed the red button on my DSLR and started recording my encounters. I improved my approche techniques with time and practice. Eventually, I learnt how to edit my images. I associated with two friends to film wild bighorn sheeps in Belgium and my first short film came out of the experience, “Sur la piste des mouflons”, which was awarded at the International Nature Festival of Namur. Out of this experience came out the audio-visual collective Bighorn Studio. I surrounded myself with very talented friends and people with different sets of skills who equally want to protect the natural world and raise awareness about the major problems that planet Earth has to face. So Why do I film Nature? First, because it is a very good excuse for me to be within nature and see wonderful sceneries and humbling wildlife. I really enjoy it, and it makes me grow. Secondly, because I think this is my duty to raise awareness, my way to add my contribution to Nature conservation.

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